
I have been taking photos for many years, like almost everybody does. When I was a kid, I used to beg my father and uncles to be allowed to use their cameras. Of course, the outcomes were comical at best… and one of my uncles still cannot forget that I ruined his marriage photos!

A year ago, almost out of impulse, I bought a DSLR. A year earlier, I had gone to a South African safari with my colleagues and had been impressed with the difference in quality between a point & shoot (mine) and a DSLR. So I felt that having a better camera would make my photos better. I have since realized that this is a fallacy. Good quality equipment can surely enable better photography but cannot ensure it. A good photographer can click a great shot even with a mobile phone camera… it is more an art than a science.

Over the last year, I have learnt a lot… mostly from the thousands of bad pictures that I clicked. I have been sharing some of my better photos (in my opinion) to Flickr and lately, 500px. In fact, I have even created an ebook of a few photos using iBooks.

So, why this blog, I asked myself. 

Photos are stories. They convey a lot more than words can. However, many photos need words to make them truly complete. Photo sharing sites do not help me tell the stories behind many of my photos, nor do they help share my journey with this exciting hobby. You can consider this my personal indulgence; at the same time, I hope that I am able to share a bit of the excitement that I feel when I am behind the camera. And through your comments, improve at what I do.

Thanks for joining this exploration.